Not Weird, I'm Eccentric - A Jackie Blog

I'm not weird. No, really. I'm just eccentric. All photos on this blog are ©2005 JackieS and are not to be used without permission.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ice, Ice Baby

From early this morning, this is what happens when the landscapers don't turn off the sprinklers and temperatures go below freezing. Ice, ice, baby!

The weather has been so weird here -- an unusually dry stretch at the beginning of summer with horrendously high temperatures and drought warnings. That was followed by a monsoon season that flooded areas. Then, for November, it was the warmest one on record until just a few days back. Now we're due some snow for overnight and into tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! It should all go away as the temps go above freezing in the afternoon. Snow this early in the season around here never sticks around, not even if it snows a foot. It would be gone before Santa's big night. I hope the weather doesn't put a damper on the Macy's Parade in the morning. Nope, I won't be there. I often go the night before to watch them inflate all the big balloons on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, but it's too darn chilly out there and my knee wanted to be home, warm and cozy. So, here I be.

I have to work Friday and have no relatives within several hundred miles, so it's going to be a restful, peaceful kind of day for me. I'll do my luxury bath thing, relax, watch the parade on TV, get caught up with some taped shows, read, mess around on the computer and have a good time indeed. I had a few invites from friends, but it's a family day. My own plans suit me just fine. I bought a small boneless turkey breast with apple cranberry stuffing and I have all the makings of a nice little feast for one. Well, for more than one as when I go and cook like that, I plan for leftovers. I started my restful holiday with a nap after returning home from work tonight. :-)

I hope all who read this have the holiday they want... whether it be with family or friends, watching football and eating a hearty feast!


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