Not Weird, I'm Eccentric - A Jackie Blog

I'm not weird. No, really. I'm just eccentric. All photos on this blog are ©2005 JackieS and are not to be used without permission.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fa La Jolly Elf Socks

Above: A holiday window all done up Lower East Side Style (NYC) -- Lava lamps, screaming skulls and hookahs, these are a few of my favorite things. ;-)

Below: One of the animated windows at Macy's on 34th Street (Midtown Manhattan) as in 'The Miracle on 34th Street Macy's.'

'Tis a wondrous culture clash....!

However, right now, instead of Christmas, it's feeling more like 'Sometimes I Feel it's Raining All Over the World.' It's warm, in the 60's Fahrenheit, and stormy right here right now. Thankfully, it didn't start until after I got home from work and was inside for the evening. Yay! Thanks for small favors!

Anyone who knows me knows I take NJ Transit commuter trains to work. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm one of those evil anti-cellphone kinda gals. Tonight on my way home from work there was a young woman who was not only talking way too loudly on her cellphone, but she also said "know what I'm saying" - "you know what I'm saying" in between about every fourth word she uttered! Ack! Two pet peeves wrapped up in one in this girl! Plus, she was loud! I so wanted to look over the seat back at her and say, "Yes! I know what you're saying. The whole world, or at least this train car, knows what you're saying! We can't miss what you're saying because you're so DARNED LOUD! Shut up!" Then, in my fantasies, I grab the cell phone and stomp on it.

Alas, all I really did was give her a dirty look when I got up to exit the train. Or, would that be detrain?

You don't want to hear my thoughts about cellphone use in restaurants, theaters, stores and other public places. I don't want to know your personal life. I can't imagine who you must be talking to on the 6:40 AM train or why you can't go an hour without gabbing!


  • At November 30, 2005 6:44 AM, Blogger Charles said…

    I just want to know who would be up at six in the morning that wants to talk on the phone! I don't even want to hear a phone ring or see it. I just want to sleeeeep!

  • At November 30, 2005 7:18 AM, Blogger No said…

    I absolutely agree with you. I hate cell phones. The clincher was when I was trying to look for a birthday card, and there is someone, chatting away, reading all the greetings to somone on her cell about annoying.

    Love the contrast of pictures....This is what I love about New York and your journal. Keep 'em coming!

    I set up a "blogger" myself, but for the life of me, I don't see a link or to post anymore entries? Hints, anyone?

  • At November 30, 2005 7:22 PM, Blogger BlogOmar said…

    I hate people on cellphones at odd hours with a passion. Oh gotta go, I have a call on my cell.

  • At December 03, 2005 5:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great Pictures. I woul love to see NYC at Christmas. It looks so magical.


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