Not Weird, I'm Eccentric - A Jackie Blog

I'm not weird. No, really. I'm just eccentric. All photos on this blog are ©2005 JackieS and are not to be used without permission.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Frosty Buns!

Yep. I call this shot Frosty Buns. Frosted Buns? A cold butt, nonetheless

Not too much going on here -- work, eat, sleep, write the TV blog. Oh. And watch TV.

I realize that since I tend to spend time waiting at the train station, I tend to observe stuff there. Yesterday, I went on a rant about the bums.

Today, it's the feral cats in the 'hood around the station. It's not really a rant, per se. More of an observation.

There are MUTANT cats living there! Really! They're short with short stubby legs and HUGE faces. Huge, I say! They look healthy enough, but rather like cartoon cats. There's at least three I've seen, most likely inbred. I can't get close enough with the camera out to get a clear shot, but I'm on a mission. I will photograph the Mutant Inbred Feral Cats with Short Legs and Huge Faces of the Plainfield, NJ Train Station.

Maybe it's a new species!

Neat. The news says to expect thundersnow tonight. Mutant cats and thundersnow. Who says life isn't a thrill a minute?


  • At January 24, 2006 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    the thundersnow just rumbled thru...interesting concept: snowflakes and thunder loud enough to rattle my sliding doors
    thank god it only lasted 15 minutes

  • At January 25, 2006 10:18 AM, Blogger dawn said…

    jackie, i've read your tv blogs going back to big brother. You sound as normal as I am. I wanted to know if you read Janet Evanovich. If not you must, I think you will love the stepanie plum series. Let me know if you know the series. Thanks for always being entertaining

  • At January 26, 2006 7:42 AM, Blogger Charles said…

    I haven't been through thundersnow yet, curious to find out what it's like though.

    There are MUTANT cats living there.

    I got to see this, good luck! It's hard trying to take pictures of cats let alone sneaking up to one. Better bring the big guns. Catnip and cat food!

  • At January 26, 2006 5:32 PM, Blogger Jackie S. said…

    Dawn - I don't read the series although that author is ringing a bell with me. Has she written anyting outside of the series? What genre is it?

  • At January 27, 2006 9:11 AM, Blogger dawn said…

    she has collaborated with mary higgins clark. the plum series is about a jersy girl who is a bounty hunter in trenton and her crazy family. You should read the book "eleven on Top" it's the latest in the series. you won't be disappointed

  • At January 27, 2006 2:05 PM, Blogger BlogOmar said…

    they ain't cats! giant rats! get some pics! we must see!

  • At February 04, 2006 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I live a couple of blocks from the station and the big-head cats roam our block. I have seen at least four - a black shorthair, black longhair, gray and multicolor white and orange. I have tried to get a photo but they move too quickly. They come to steal the food I put out for a couple of ferals that I am trying to take care of.


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