Not Weird, I'm Eccentric - A Jackie Blog

I'm not weird. No, really. I'm just eccentric. All photos on this blog are ©2005 JackieS and are not to be used without permission.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Preserve Your Memories, They're All That's Left You

This photo is from Christmas 1958. I'm the one in the middle eying the robot while I obviously got a tea set and a doll from Santa Claus. The drums weren't mine, either! Bah, humbug... sexist pigs! :::grin:::

The joy was shortlived that day. That night I fell out of bed and broke my collarbone, thus coming up with one of my first memories -- standing inside watching as my brothers skated on the backyard where my father created an ice rink with the hose. I had my new double runner skates (from Santa), but couldn't skate due to my sling. It was inside looking out, but a feeling of looking in from the outside... a defining bit which would follow me throughout my life. An observer...

Oh... and it's obvious that my mother cut our hair, isn't it?

"I prefer boysenberry more than any ordinary jam. I'm a Citizen for Boysenberry Jam fan." - Paul Simon


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