Big Night at the Rock...
And, these are the skaters at the overpriced rink at Rockefeller Center, also pre-gala event. It's indeed a lot of fun, but the hourly fee to skate is a bit prohibitive unless you're deadset on skating there.
So, am I skating there? Am I watching the tree as it's lighted tonight? Nope! I'm home. The special is on TV now, but I'm switching in a few minutes to 'Lost.' What can I say? I can always go see the tree with merely humongous crowds instead of gigantic colossal wave of humanity crowds. I need my 'Lost' fix.
In other things, I'm very discouraged with AOL these days. Oh, yeah, I've been discouraged before and, as long as I stay a member, I'm sure to be discouraged again. They say they understand the member complaints about the banner ads, yet the ads remain. The disclaimer added today is not the answer. The correct thing for them to do is to remove the ad banners from AOL Member Journals, while keeping them on the free AIM Journals. They royally screwed up with this move. As it could be said, "They done did do us wrong."
Since my TV blogs have followings, I'm thinking of moving them into a paying sort of venture. I love writing and I love writing those blogs. There are opportunities outside of AOL Journals where I can receive payment for doing what I love. Would I be a sell out for commercialism? I dunno. Now that AOL Journals for paying members have ad banners, I'm a pawn for marketing and AOL is making money off of my writing and any popularity my TV blogs may possess. Heck, if anyone's going to be making money off my writings, I should at the very least get a cut.
'Lost' is on. Must watch!